
We have a surprise!

Our surprise being that we still exist… so maybe not that big of a surprise for some of you.
The more idyllic scenes of a Hoosier summer.  (And does not reflect whatsoever the crazy that our lives have been in the last year.
So… sometimes life happens.  All at once and without reprieve.  This last year of silence has been pretty wild in a lot of ways, one of which included a relocation back to the Hoosier state for S’ra and a flurry of side hustle (as the young ones say) for E.
I’m far to wary of my own fickle nature to promise the expansive (cough, cough) readership a new routine of regular updates.  I do feel the urge to write and create for something other than a paycheck after a long self-imposed hiatus.  
So perhaps there might be something entertaining on the site to come?
To that end, I've done some tweaking to the site layout for a more clean and fresh look. We shall see if it sticks or if perhaps I get frustrated in 72 hours. Stay tuned!  
I’ve started with a childhood favorite recipe.  One that I never had to bother to produce as a kid in Manila, but that I cherish having the ability to do so now as a adult in the Midwest.  I’ve been especially nostalgic as late, which is sometimes oddly enough, what happens when the weather turns stormy with that unbearable mugginess that makes Indiana very high on the unpleasant places in the summer list.  
Oh wait… P.S. Why cobwebs?  Basically I’ve spent the entire spring and summer battling the spiders that have decided to create a massive infestation all over the family homestead… AND UGH.  I never really was like… arachnophobic, I was more… arachna...wary.  But I’m and 1000% over them now.  Mostly because of the various times I ended up like this: (before you panic, no they weren’t brown recluse or black widow spiders (which are kinda rare up here as say compared to where I used to live in Texas).  They were all super annoying painful, but eventually healed.  Dad pointed out that I ought to be hanging out with Spidey at this point. (More on taking your parent to Marvel movies for the first time later.)

Okay, Now I’m really gonna quit rambling and get back to the blogging thing.  
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The more idyllic scenes of a Hoosier summer.  (And does not reflect whatsoever the crazy that our lives have been in the last year.
So… sometimes life happens.  All at once and without reprieve.  This last year of silence has been pretty wild in a lot of ways, one of which included a relocation back to the Hoosier state for S’ra and a flurry of side hustle (as the young ones say) for E.
I’m far to wary of my own fickle nature to promise the expansive (cough, cough) readership a new routine of regular updates.  I do feel the urge to write and create for something other than a paycheck after a long self-imposed hiatus.  
So perhaps there might be something entertaining on the site to come?  
I’ve started with a childhood favorite recipe.  One that I never had to bother to produce as a kid in Manila, but that I cherish having the ability to do so now as a adult in the Midwest.  I’ve been especially nostalgic as late, which is sometimes oddly enough, what happens when the weather turns stormy with that unbearable mugginess that makes Indiana very high on the unpleasant places in the summer list.  
That’s enough musing for now, onward!
Oh wait… P.S. Why cobwebs?  Basically I’ve spent the entire spring and summer battling the spiders that have decided to create a massive infestation all over the family homestead… AND UGH.  I never really was like… arachnophobic, I was more… arachna...wary.  But I’m and 1000% over them now.  Mostly because of the various times I ended up like this:
(before you panic, no they weren’t brown recluse or black widow spiders (which are kinda rare up here as say compared to where I used to live in Texas).  They were all super annoying painful but eventually healed.  Dad pointed out that I ought to be hanging out with Spidey at this point. (More on taking your parent to Marvel movies for the first time later.)

Okay, Now I’m really gonna quit rambling and get back to the blogging thing.  
