Kdrama Reviews: G-H

Aaaand, I'm back... procrastinating on the whole packing thing with more reviews!  I should probably take a nap too, but meeh, I'll get to it.  I must be crazy, I LOVE naps! It's one of the things I'm most jealous of my college students - they finish class and announce they're going to go nap, whereas I always had to go and do... adulting things.

As you may have noticed, I am attempting to catch up with my notes for Kdrama reviews by a slew of posting.  As this will most likely be an ongoing project I will keep adding to each appropriate pages as I watching/finish things. 

You can read the previous reviews listed below:

As always:  Here's our grading key:
Pretty Good


Gu Family Book

Origin/Genre: Kdrama/Saeguk/Action Adventure
Progress: In Progress
Rating: Pretty Good

30 Second Synopsis: A Gumiho (9 Tailed Fox) falls in love with a human and creates a mysterious family legacy with potentially deadly circumstances.  In the next generation, his son, unaware of his legacy is confronted with his powers when the only family he has ever known is threatened. 

Verdict: I loved this when it started, it was quirky and fun and full of drama.  It started getting serious and I stopped because of real life... so I plan to pick this up soon.  I'm on a quest to finish everything on my dramafever queue before I start a new series - which is actually totally painful because there's so much new interesting stuff that comes out on a regular basis.  Also, the costume design fascinates me.  It's got this very "costumey" feel-but like a well-done costumey feel and not so much "we are doing a budget saeguk"  Also, later in the series there is a gorgeous hanbok that Bae Suzy wears that I totally used for costume research for a recent show. I haven't actually seen the episode yet, because you know. power of the internet. 

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki

Would I/Do I Own It?: Maybe?  I still haven't finished it, so...

Standalone Review?: Not Yet


Origin/Genre: Kdrama/Action Adventure/Mystery

Progress: Finished

Rating: Awesome (SO AWESOME!)

30 Second Synopsis: A mysterious courier and his snarky hacker adjumma gets embroiled in a national news cover-up that starts to unravel the mystery of his missing parents. A plucky young reporter searching for answers gets rescued by a mysterious hero and starts to chase leads of her own. Finally, her hero-reporter finds a deeper purpose for his skills when he realizes his own family might be hiding a dark secret.

Verdict: AQUFOSA;FKSJF!!! It's like Castle (before it got weird) meets Chuck meets City Hunter .... soooo awesome... edging out City Hunter (having Park Min Young as our heroine again doesn't hurt) - also Hacker Ajumma played by Kim Mi-Kyung also seen in Faith as Court Lady Choi - aka everyone's favorite snarky Adjumma-- also awkward Healer also.... family mysteries! Fight Scenes using parkour and probably scored by the same person who did City Hunter! Awesome adorable Fashion on Min Young (and the villains, Kdrama villains often have awesome fashion... Park Min Young's character having a gangster father. It's just - just watch it, okay?

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki
Would I/Do I Own It?:YES
Standalone Review?: Not Yet, I'm getting to it.  


Origin/Genre: Kdrama/Musical/College/Comedy

Progress: Finished

Rating: Pretty Good

30 Second Synopsis: A rock guitarist and a classical musician (try not to) fall in love during the college musical to everyone's chagrin. Music numbers and hijinks ensue. There's also a traditional grandfather who's generally scandalized at everything, absent fathers, scheming divas, and the most adorable solo by Kang MinHyuk as a smitten, perpetually hungry drummer. See it below.

Verdict: Fun - a little fluffy, but worth it for CNBlue performances by Jung Yong Hwa in the leading role and Kang MinHyuk as a hyperactive drummer.

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki

Would I/Do I Own It?: Yup

Standalone Review?: Not Yet

(He who wears the crown must bear the weight)

Origin/Genre:Kdrama/High School/Melodrama

Progress: FinishedRating: Decent

30 Second Synopsis: A chaebol son of a business mogul and his mistress is sent off to America so the real son can run the family business. He finds love in California only to find upon returning home to Korea that not only is his family and social cirlces totally a hot mess, the girl he loves is the housekeeper's daughter!

Verdict: It's a trainwreck - the main romance is totally Meh (which is sad considering it's Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye), but the supporting characters are totally worth it. Like Kim Mi Kyung once again being awesome as Park Shin Hye's mute mother (yeah,I know, an unexpected sentence.) Also the sweaters. And the bad American acting. Even though they actually filmed in California. Sigh. It was worth it for 3 Things: 1. Kang MinHyuk of CNBlue as the scholarship kid who's popular enough in the snobby elite school to become class president. 2. His too cute relationship with Krystal Jung's character. 3. Kim Woo Bin being... Kim Woo Bin. Sadly Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye, both of whom I've obviously loved in other things seemed a little... too... I dunno, unbelievable for me.

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki
Would I/Do I Own It?:eEeergh... It wasn't as bad as the show went on - or maybe I'd grown immune, but maybe if it was REALLY on sale, 'cause so many of my favorite actors are in it

Standalone Review?: Meh

I Hear Your Voice

Origin/Genre: Kdrama/Thriller/Supernatural

Progress: Finished

Rating: Good

30 Second Synopsis: Two children are bound by a horrible and tragic secret. Now she's a lawyer who's lost her sense of justice and he can hear people's thoughts when he makes eye contact. Together they'll bring closure and justice to their past.

Verdict: The Feeeeeels! I love the main characters in this (Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young) - and the villain just do - good even character development with the supporting characters! This is definitely a "Noona romance" so while she's older and he's almost finished with high school it might make some people a little squicky. The writers handle it pretty well and ethically, I think, but just a heads up."

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki
Would I/Do I Own It? YUP. It's good creepy and usually gets people freaked out when they watch it.
Standalone Review?: Not Yet

I Heard it through the Grapevine

Origin/Genre: Kdrama/Family Melodrama/Comedy

Progress: In Freakin' Progress... I did not count on that many episodes...

Rating: Decent - so Far.

30 Second Synopsis: Two high school seniors fall in love at a summer study camp and and get carried away and end up in bed. Later, the girl shows up pregnant to the horror of his snobby, old school Chaebol family who had great hopes for him.

Verdict: It's a longer commitment as a weekend drama, but the clash between the laid-back lower-middle class family and the snooty chaebol family is pretty hilarious. Also everyone except the guys parents ship the couple, which is a nice change - also the kids seem to be the most mature in the bunch, considering their previous impulsive actions.

Watch it on: Dramafever, Hulu, Viki

Would I/Do I Own It? I want to know what happens,but it's moving at a snail's pace and there are 30 plus episodes!
Standalone Review?: We'll see after I finish it.
