That's the way the cookie crumbles...

The Fortune Cookie that is.

An ongoing series of the "gems" we've discovered during our many adventures with takeout.  
To be updated, probably far too often.  

Really?  Somebody should tell everyone else that.
That pesky moon.

It is?  My word, had I only known all those years!

Generally when one is slamming doors one likes them to stay slammed.

That's exactly what I wanted... a better class of problem.

Don't you dare summon it before.

Is that how it works? 

Reasons not to climb mountains.

You know, because you're never in an landlocked location or anything...

Did I finally win a Pony?!

Thanks fortune cookie.  I was worried.  But now I feel better.

That's just obnoxious.

I WILL get off this couch, turn off the dramas/anime and go to bed.  I will!

How do you know? 

Lack of gold.  I already have that.

Run Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

How much time?  Like back in time?  I'm a tight schedule here.  The truth waits for no one or something?  Or was that "time waits for no man."
