Since (You've) I've Been Gone...

So may have noticed (or not) that it's been rather quiet on Tamari Surprise as of late.  With the exception of E's epic and terrible adventure with plumbing (and her very apt description of the parallels to Attack on Titan), we have been mysterious silent.  This is mostly because the academic years have started back up with a vengeance and we are both deep in show designs and construction at the moment.

So in a rather haphazard manner, here are a few random things we might have squeed about, but been too lazy exhausted to post on Tamari Surprise:

The Three Musketeers Kdrama is still teasing us!
(By appearing online, but without English subs - and it's "coming soon" on dramafever.   Gaaah, the waiting!  And ok, by youtubing this epically-slightly cheesy, but still so exciting trailer - I realize there are episodes with English subs - maybe I'm just unduly loyal and want to marathon the whole series?)

In the meantime, I am watching this fantastically swashbuckling-totally not taking itself too seriously-in the best way version of the tale on the BBC.

S'ra got a box full of bento supplies from Japan! 
She may have gotten ridiculously excited about this.  But she has yet to make Bento because... show.... (as in, working on a production tends to take up all free creativity energy at the moment.)  

I know it deceptively appears as a jumbled kitchen drawer, but it's a treasure of impossibly kawaii lunches to come.  Trust me. 

2PM is making their newest comeback album (And a world tour)!!!!!
It's no secret that I have a big dorky soft spot these guys.  I admit that they are not always the greatest kpop musicians - but they all have a pretty impressive range of talents among themselves from vocals to dancing to acting to variety to just being plain ridiculous.  

It looks like their new album is heralding back to their early days of upbeat fun numbers, with a ridiculous title track written by Jun K. himself.  Obviously, I'm super excited to see how it turns out.
Also, what's with the goat and the crown!?  It just makes me think of Emperor's New Groove for some reason.     This is just asking for a hilarious back-story! 

S'ra decided to try out a new skin care regime: 
Including products form Korean company TonyMoly.   I mean because... this is... just... SO CUTE!  
(sorry, I'll try to contain myself.) 

It's skin brightening mask in a tomato!  


We finally found Parcheesi!!  

I realize this may warrant some explanation.  One Christmas, more years ago than I realize, E, S'ra, and the rest of the Logan Girls decided that we NEEDED to play Parcheesi.  Great.  Except that we didn't actually know HOW to play Parcheesi (the National game of India FYI).  In fact, none of us even owned Parcheesi.  So we went all over the area SB/Mishawaka area trying to find an affordable copy of the game.  After many tedious hours of looking we got to Target and decided:   It was not worth it.  So this summer, E and I discovered that Parcheesi was finally to be found!  And affordable!  The Peasants rejoiced!  Now's it's sitting on E's desk - because we are in 7 different locales, which makes it hard for a game.   

More stuff happened, but I'm out of steam again... so you know more later, etc etc. 
