Stupid People Wednesday

The stupidity saga continues!
Today I went forth and attempted to accomplish one of those little chores that I put off as long as I can. Namely, mowing the strip of "grass" (i.e. weeds and small trees) behind my fence along the alley. It's a nuisance, as it involves hauling the lawn mower all the way around to the back of the house via the road and alley and the use of two extension cords.
Now I'll grant you, I have put this chore off for quite a while. But I feel it is not unreasonable to expect one's neighbors to refrain from piling all their refuse behind one's fence, even if one has put off mowing down the weeds for a while.
I found:
An empty beer bottle
A golf ball
Two shot glasses
A large tangle of lime green twine
Three potatoes. Not rotten, not burnt ... just three raw potatoes. To make it weirder, two were white potatoes and one was red.
A pile of small gravel
Two piles of the remains of poorly mixed cement
A pile of partially burnt charcoal
Not one, but two hats
A pair of pliers
A pile of miscellaneous trash so thoroughly rotted and mixed together that its components were indistinguishable

Now, an empty beer bottle or some burnt charcoal are not the weirdest things to find in an alley. The thing that astonishes me is that none of these things were there the last time I mowed. 
And let me tell you, attempting to mow over and around all this stuff was a serious pain in the neck. 
You may be wondering how this qualifies for Stupid People Wednesday. Well, while it did not necessarily all happen today, I contend that dumping your trash on someone else's property is not only stupid but also tacky. 
On the plus side - the new episode of Free! is available today. You can debate the stupidity of Free! (I won't argue with you about the stupidity of Free! I will probably concur ... and watch it anyway.) but a new episode makes any day better. 
