I (WE) Aten't Dead.

I know, I know.  
You don't believe us.  
Suffice to say, there was a very small hiatus, during which E and I did a lot of drafting and not so much of the posting.  

Brace yourself for the onslaught.  
I hope you read some Discworld while you were waiting. 
You didn't?  
Sigh...  Then you probably won't get this post reference at all.  

Along with the many, many posts (if we get them all up and running), we have also posted updates to our WORDAGE, Is It Just Me Or? and SUV pages.  Stop by and check them out!

As always (???) we try to update our Recaps and Reviews pages with our latest in scintillating entertainment feedback.  You know, when we think of it.  
