Compelling Reasons you should be spending your hard-earned money on Anime & Kdrama.

Well, perhaps they are ill-gotten gains, but regardless money is nice.  You pay bills with it. (Unless they really are ill-gotten gains, in which case you may not.) But we've come up with some compelling reasons why you should consider some alternatives to letting that cold hard cash sit in the bank.  

Your Portfolio Needs Diversity
Think about it.  You can invest in gold, silver, bonds, and well - other stuff.  But Since Anime and Kdramas are hard to get, in this country anyway, imagine the delight your heirs will experience upon realizing the value of your pristine collection.

Preserving Knowledge and Art for Future Generations.
Don't panic.  But there may be a day in the not-so-far-future where the general public once again decides that being a geek is not all that.  Probably about the time all the hipsters start having kids (or their kids hit puberty, in the case of the hipsters of our generation).  Society is full of cycles, and we may be soon facing a future filled with endless educational after-school specials, sitcoms about people doing nothing and asinine reality tv...oh wait. 

Won't it be nice to know that you can totter down to your plastic tubs in the basement and pull out your discs, blow off the dust and share them with the younger generation? (Wait ... why the heck would they be in the basement. Aren't you still watching them?) Just be sure to keep the viewing equipment too, otherwise the young'uns will probably mistake them for really boring Frisbees. 

Cultural Exchange Research
 Thinking of taking a gap year?  Backpacking?  Bucket list?  Teaching English as a second language?  
You're going to need some marker for cultural interaction when you do. 
Just remember, just like we Americans can be stymied by the thought that the rest of the world thinks that we are all gangster-cowboy-socialites who eat burgers, pizza, and have money bleeding from our ears - that probably not everyone in Asia listens to kpop, knows all the traditional yokai, or consumes massive amounts of ramen (Well, that one might be true.)


Visitor Compatibility Gauge: 
 Want a subtle way of finding out whether your guests are into the same things you are?
Arrange some cases artfully in key, eye-catching locations.  If they react like this:
you'll know you can probably make conversation through dessert. 

The Satisfying Feeling of Knowing That now You Possess It
 We may have a little book collecting problem over here at Tamari Surprise.  E has shelves in basically every room.  S'ra had more boxes of books (labelled by genre, of course) than anything else when she moved - which caused no end of wonder from her various helpers.  
Movies and TV shows are no different. It's just terribly satisfying to see complete sets lined up in order.  Preferably matching, from the same edition.  

And on that note: 

Your shelves are lonely
You can't leave those poor empty shelves alone.  You might have to put pointless knick-knacks on them.  Then you'll have to dust those knick-knacks.  Then you might be mistaken for one of those people who buys books in bulk to put on their shelves so they look well-read and intelligent even though they have no idea who Charles Dickens was.  
Fill those shelves.  With Anime & Kdrama. 
(Note: this does depend on you having empty shelves. Feel free to laugh at the very idea.)
This Blogger does it right with an impressive collection.  I hope she has it insured...

Pinterest can only go so far.
 And we're not even talking about the thousands upon thousands of DIY projects that are there, enticing you in with "it's so easy" and "5 simple steps!"  At Tamari Surprise Pinterest is really more like a catalog for our various fandom interests anyways.  Baking soda volcanoes are fun and all, but sometimes you don't want to go to all that work.  Also, there's only so much time you can spend pinning your favorite quotes and memes before you have to you know... go watch stuff. You can watch stuff online, of course, but if you have it on DVD you can watch your anime or kdrama on your tv while still browsing pinterest for fandom pins. 

Two Words: Bonus Features. 
Thanks to Blu-Ray, there is yet another "new big thing" to switch over to collecting.  But let's face it, if you're already a die-hard fan, then you're probably digging for every little extra anyway.  So basically, we don't even need to tell why this is a legitimate justification

Language Training: 
 Practice your Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and even Spanish is even more painless and enjoyable when you can repeatedly rewind, pause, and switch out subtitles and dubs.  The genius writing and serious eye candy don't hurt either. 

Support the Industry that makes the stuff you love.  
Look, we love free stuff just as much as the next fanatic blogger, but there is something to be said for showing support for something by putting your (insert form of currency here) behind it.
Sure, the system isn't perfect, but A LOT of super-talented and hardworking artists, performers, technicians, and writers work on all our favorite shows.  I'm pretty sure they put in more hours for less recognition (possibly with the exception of the live-action performers and directors) than you'd imagine. 

And most importantly...

Zombie Apocalypse
If the zombie apocalypse occurs, the internet will be down and we won't be able to watch things online.
So we'll need our dvds while hiding in the bunker using our pedal-powered generator to run the dvd player I mean, it would be pretty boring waiting out the zombie apocalypse with no anime or kdrama.

What other compelling reasons can you give us?  
Leave us a comment below.  
Jax the Wonder Dog LOVES comments. 
They are tasty. 
