A crying Ha Ha makes everyone's Wednesday Better!

It's not Running Mondays, but...
(because frankly, I'm not genius enough to come up with such a title, and I think Mr. Wong would be upset if I thefted it from him) but fans of the show (and followers of the cast via Instagram) may know that Kim Jong Kook, resident "Angry Tiger" and "Coach Kookie" of the show is currently (at least for the conceivable moment) in L.A. doing something terribly exciting.  

The amazing combination of both "Coach Kookie" and "Angry Tiger" in one Idol Olympics episode!  

One can only presume that it's related to his album work???? 

As sad as it is that KJK is not currently on home soil, U.S. Running Man fans can rejoice as he tours various L.A. locales and shares them on his Instagram account.  (Or at least, we presume he's touring L.A. since most of his videos are taken from the interior of a random vehicle as they go down the road.  We can only hope conscientious coach Kook isn't instagramming and driving!) 

The best part is that KJK seems ridiculously excited for the arrival and company of his "lil brother" and fellow Running Man, HaHa! 

 They've done a few videos together, but the best is this tiny, tiny, tiny music video featuring a despondent Ha Ha on his way back home way from Hyung and the joys of California. 

You can follow Kim Jong Kook on instagram here at:http://instagram.com/kjk76

P.S. He's not the only Running Man to have an Instagram account:  Our beloved Gary, the loyal and oft-abused half of the infamous Monday Couple can be found here. http://instagram.com/gaegun?modal=true
