Proof that Dads in Anime are (usually) worse than in Kdrama

In honor of Father's Day, some random lists.  They're not all this despressing.  We promise.  

S’ra: Sadly? often the mothers are worse in kdrama
E: Yeah, the mothers in anime are usually dead.

E: Kyo's dad from Fruits Basket
of the "your mother's death was all your fault, die you monster!" variety
S’ra: oohh, that's pretty nasty

E: Eren's dad from Attack On Titan - I will go on a mad science bend and turn my son into a human titan hybrid and then vanish!
E: Gaara's dad from Naruto - also a "I will turn my kid into a monster" type but with the added bonus of "but then decide he is useless and send assassins after him"
S’ra: Ummm Jin Guk's Dad (in Dream High) knocked up a (poor hostess?) and then refused to acknowledge him, so his mom sent him to an orphanage, and when they are reuinted - tries to pay him off by sending him to America...but is content to let him live on the streets until he comes to his senses and stops trying to be a Kpop star and ruining Dad's chances of political success. 
(Now that I read that sentence... what a plotline.)
E: let's see, Zuko's dad from Avatar: The Last Airbender (though not techincally anime) of the, I will burn half your face off and then exile you variety

E: Yato's dad from Noragami created Yato so he'd have someone to kill people for him ...

S’ra: Let's see Jin Pyo's Dad in Boys Over Flowers basically lets his wife run the household to the point that her kids think he's DEAD when he's really in a coma - because it wouldn't matter if he was alive anyways.  So really, that's more like - absent father, awful mother.
E: oh, Astro Boy - the kid's dad replaces him with a robot (after he dies, not before, that would be really bad) and then tries to destroy the robot for not being human enough
E:  oh, going back to Noragami - created a kid to kill people for him and then attempted to steal the kid's girlfriend, which adds a level of creepy)

S’ra: The Dad in Wonderful Days cheated on his wife, leaving her with a bunch of kids, including a special needs child, then left the pregnant mistress for someone else, and hasn't been heard from in like 15 years, and just now showed back up, thinking buying a bunch of clothes  for everyone will fix the problem.  But thus far, hasn't killed anyone.
Oh, yeah, good point.
Ok, Anime Dads seem to win here. 
So maybe the list should be titled (Proof that Dads in Anime are (usually) worse than in Kdrama

E: yeah, it's really hard to beat turned my kid into a monster and then tried to kill him
or, merged my daughter and her dog

S’ra:  Right now, Shou Tucker's kinda at the top of my list of awful
even though there's loads of awful

E: okay, but shou tucker wins

S’ra: Unless you've got someone even more awful

E: No.  He wins.

S’ra: ‘Cause ignoring your kid, or preventing their happiness, or sending them to America or refusing to acknowledge them... that's all nothing compared to killing their mom and using them as lab rats.  He totally wins. 

(Warning!!!  Major Spoilers and Just plain awfulness!  Seriously.)
