Jax the Wonder Dog

The third member of our staff, Jax the Wonder Dog, had been abandoned by his owners. They must have been out of their minds, because Jax the Wonder Dog lives up to his name. For starters, he is very well behaved, has a great personality, and is one of the most handsome dogs I've ever seen. It's hard to take him for a walk without being mobbed by his adoring fans. His most frequently asked question is, "What breed is he?" to which my answer (I do all the talking, Jax the Wonder Dog only interacts with the public at official events unless the public wants to pet him.) is " ... dog, basically."
Jax the Wonder Dog is not the biggest fan of either anime of Kdrama - as an athletic dog, he prefers outdoor pursuits - but he is all for Adventures in Asian Cuisine and enthusiastically helps taste test whatever I cook. (I know you're not supposed to give dogs table food, but one Jax the Wonder Dog's abilities is his hypnotic power, where he will stare fixedly at you until you realize you've handed him your chicken without even meaning to.) 
Jax the Wonder Dog's favorite activities include incessant walks that never end, napping and playing with Mega Stick (basically a whole tree that fell down in my back yard. It weighs more than he does. He can throw it for himself and then fetch it. I don't call him Jax the Wonder Dog for nothing.) 
