Heirs, Hairs, Hares, and other problems of multitasking puns.

 Happy Monday everyone!

 No promises that this will be the only Monday Post.  Part of the trials of setting up a new blog is that one feels perpetually like they’re behind.  Other blogs have such cool themes!  Other blogs have tons of awesome content that I just spent an hour reading instead of updating our blog.!  Other blogs never seem to have formatting problems!  It’s not fair, Mom! 
                So before we each decided to part ways to visit the ancestral stomping grounds (read: parents), E and I decided it was a perfect time to attempt some radical hairstyle changes.  I’d like to backstory this with the fact that E and I (along with the rest of our LG’s) have often considered a myriad of “wacky” hairstyles.  Wacky by the standards of our conservative Midwestern mothers, and not so much like… the sort of people we routinely work with in the entertainment and arts industry. 

           We’d been batting around the idea of anime hair (illustrations/photos coming later) to pep us up for a summer of productivity.  *Pause here for uproarious laughter.   So we set to the lifting of color, toning, coloring, the color with blue and purple (among other things) and the watching of the stuff.  The theme for the great hair color adventure was:
                “All the Ridiculous stuff!!!” 

          I will let E decide how much of the ridiculous stuff in anime world she’s willing to disclose, but for me, I was like, if we’re starting with ridiculous, then we should probably start with Heirs.  Or more accurately: He who wishes to Wear the Crown, Endure It’s Weight: The Heirs.   I have to admit, I was initially excited about this show.  It was very:

“Dramafever is hosting a show?  Awesome!   Lee Min Ho?  Usually awesome.  Park Shin Hye, I liked her in Heartstrings.  Kang Min Hyuk!  Please tell me we get to see his awesome drumming skills again, or at least a CN BLUE cameo.  Possibility for drama idols speaking English?  More wrist grabbing, outrageous relatives, and blatant product placement for mango drinks I cannot have?  Sign me up.”  

We are so ridiculously wealthy that we can justify these tiaras and expressions of disdain.

                And then, I started watching.  Let me disclaimer that I DID thoroughly enjoy watching the train wreck that was Heirs.  And counting the awful sweaters.  And it's still a guilty pleasure.  And plenty of people who are far more eloquent than yours truly have dissected WHY Heirs was such a train wreck.  But watching it again with E was… kinda painful.  

Excellent summation of the show, Eun Sang. 

                 For one thing, I have found that any time you’re trying to introduce someone to your obsession, there’s always this push and pull between wanting to see them react to every single second of whatever it is you’re watching and wanting to fast-forward to all the good parts.  (Something not possible with the weather plagued internet connection).    
It was late.  These may have been our expressions.  But with more hair dye. 

   We only got through episode one.  Which may have accounted for:  “I really thought there was more funny stuff- although, E was pretty amused already by the time we got to the “not really thugs at all walking down the street”  bit in L.A. – but I think perhaps Heirs would be awesome as like… a ten minute version – possibly as a music montage, where all the funny stuff and none of the patience bending romantic miscommunications stay front and center. 

I like you.  Therefore I shall throw you into this pool.  Said every 1st grader, ever. 

 Let’s face it, as much as I love Lee Min Ho, his character was kinda just blah next to the charismatic jerk that was Kim Woo Bin as Choi Young Do and the totally long-suffering and loveable Yoon Chan Young (Kang Min Hyuk).  Also, when the romantic couple’s moms steal every scene they’re in… it’s easy to lose interest in the main loveline, odds are they’ll end up together eventually. 
Mothers.  Never to be under-estimated. 

I’d like to see Heirs as like… an action comedy.  (I know this isn’t completely original.)  The moms can be drafted into spy work in the manner of Jamie Lee Curtis’s character in True Lies (maybe less skin, though).  The kids can – instead of being emo wet blankets can be awkward superspies - and have to band together across class systems to fight evil.

Love is the moment.  Or something. 

Young Do and Kim Tan can still argue who gets to make the super –secret plans, Rachael and Eun Sang can trade off being action girl, Bo Na and the boys can be their usual hilarious selves, and obviously Chan Young will the real bad-ass who will have all the plans and keep everyone out of trouble. 

If you’ve seen the show, you know who the bad guys are. 

Come to think of it, this is starting to sound like this other show I really loved…. 
Wait a second...

... You mean this show?

 Yes... I realize there are Tagalog subs, sadly, I only understand like every twenty words of that voice-over....
Eng subs... why are you so elusive. 

This is what I’m saying – if only Heirs would have been more like that. 

And also had more Kwang Soo.  Many things are better with some Kwang Soo. 

Oh, and in case you’re curious – The hair was glorious.  Until the blue started fading from mine.  I now look like a rather sad My Little Pony.  I think I may need to leave it in for more than an hour next time…  

P.S.  Hares, or rodents of any rabbitish kind (killer or otherwise) are not appearing in this post.  
