
So... I was running the errands... and when I emerged from the dangerous mind-numbing suckage that is our favorite Mega Mart - I noticed a rather spiffy vehicle parked next to me.  It was a classy silver grey convertible and emblazoned across the bumper was the emblem "Crossfire."  I would have taken a photo, but I figure photographing the back of stranger's cars might seem a little suspect, so I refrained.

It looked something like this, actually. 

Anyways, I only bring this up - because it struck me as a symptom of my particular disease (ahem - obsession.)  - that my first thought was not... what on earth is swanky car doing in this parking lot (which later occurred to me, but then even swanky car owners need random stuff at Mega Marts) but
Hey... Crossfire... why is that familiar?

Oooh!  Crossfire! that Video game that 2PM and Miss A did that totally kick-ass, shockingly long promo for.  It was like a mini movie!  It was so crazy melodramatic and I would totally watch that movie.  But alas, there are only Five minutes of it!

(But it's a glorious, melodramatic, stuff blows up Five Minutes!) 

The sharing of said video to E prompted a discussion on the bafflement we had regarding why neither of us became games or LARPers or anything of that nature.  Because both of us have gamer brothers - and we played plenty of games when we were younger.
So we went off to our local Disc Re-Play (sometimes a treasure trove for a myriad of TV seasons... and sometimes... Not.) to see what we could see.

So... we are hilariously behind the times.  We were fine with the "hey!  that thing plays old NES games!  I wonder if they have old Sega Systems." but about the time we discovered that the games we found interesting came on systems we didn't have the slightest clue about....let's just say we also went through Game Stop, Target, the beloved Mega Mart.   It turns out that we are basically radically behind the times - and if we want to catch up, we will either have to drop a decent amount of money on a system, or we can cave in and buy an older one used - but will have to deal with the fact that most of the games we want (and are willing to satify our immediate gratification tenandences with) are going to be about sports, 1st person shooter, or REALLY lame adventures.

I would rant on this more... but I got distracted watching this fan-made cover of the above trailer, this time with 2PM's Game Over from their latest album, Grown (which has some really fun numbers - and no, I haven't even begun to touch on my recent discovery of kpop.)  laid overtop of the sound track.   

You should watch that one too, it's pretty fun.  

Seriously  WHY is JYP (2PM and MissA's Producer/Company) NOT making a full length movie of this?  People would flock. 
