Various Flavors.

Well… welcome. Yeah, we're not sure what we're doing either. Sometimes one just feels like they need a nice "tidy" place to ramble about things they love – in our case a wide-ish variety of entertainment originating from the continent of Asia.
Why Tamari?
Well, E bought some a while back, thinking… oh hey, like soy sauce, right? And then S'ra forgot that tamari to soy sauce is like legit espresso to drip coffee at the church basement meeting where nobody likes their coffee "too strong." Much confusion ensued. Now we know.
(I thought tamari was the brand. I just assumed I had been buying weak soy sauce all my life.)

I'm sure first posts are supposed to be all epic and explain everything, but I'm writing this while sitting on a train, Droopy-eyed and comfortable from a nice breakfast and the knowledge that I don't have to grade any more papers. So I'm rather over "over-arching academic statements" for a while.

Song of the Post:  Fear of the South (Tin Hat Trio) Everything is Illuminated
(I have no idea what this sounds like.)

Perhaps a working link might be helpful?


About Us:
It's… about us… sorta – kinda – what we feel like sharing with you. Obviously not our plans for world domination. That would be just silly. And make us really terrible evil overlords.
(We will be the best evil overlords you ever saw. Watch for world domination, coming soon to a village near you.)

(Is It Just Me Or?)
Sometimes things just confuse us. Maybe because we didn't grow up in that particular culture/sub-culture. Maybe because we did- and we're still confused. Sometimes it's just that we wonder what the heck the writers/composers were thinking. We discuss at our leisure, and you're welcome to enlighten us further.


(Adventures in Asian Cuisine!)
This is kinda cheating, as S'ra is ½ Filipino and had a lot of friends from various countries. E has never been to Japan, but expresses a curiosity for things like melon bread, good ramen, and other iconic foods. We will experiment and get back to you.
To be precise, my experience with Asian food has primarily consisted of cheap packages of chicken-flavored ramen and Chinese takeout. Most conversations with S'ra about Asian food go something like this:
S'ra: Do you like (type of Asian food/fruit/vegetable/seasoning)?
E: I don't know. I've never had it.
S'ra: Oh, well, it's kind of like (similar type of Asian food).
E: That doesn't help.

Reviews & Recs.
Of … anything and everything we love or think we might love, or were bored enough to consider watching. We will try to update regularly. *Goes away and laughs uproariously*


See above note regarding Reviews.


S'ra: "So Tangent… I was at Target the other day and…"
LG: "Isn't that a tangent of the previous conversational tangent?"

E: "It's S'ra… of course it is."

LG "So it's like an SUV, you're going off-road of the conversation."

S'ra (Excited hand motions) "Exactly! I like it! So anyways..."
(A fictional conversation, that none-the-less basically explains what an SUV is.) 

(There was actually a real conversation where the term "SUV" to refer to a tangent off a tangent was coined, but it involved other people and a completely different explanation.) 
We love lots of stuff, and S'ra especially is a 2nd Dan Black Belt at getting easily distracted and obsessed with new and random things. If they don't really fit, we'll probably stash them here, like that last bit of random junk in your kitchen that you shove in a drawer and rattle in annoyance when it doesn't open. (See the goddess Annoia – Practchett reference)


We attempt to explain what all our lingo means. Or not. Read at your own peril.


