
Avocado Ice Cream: Redux

So, it's summer again, with a vengeance.  With what seems like the entire continental U.S. under a sweltering blanket of humidity, anything that will take my mind off of inconsistent air-conditioning is a good thing.   A couple of years ago I featured a Filipino favorite (at least in my circles), avocado ice cream.  It's smooth, buttery (shockingly, being composed mostly of avocados), and surprisingly tangy.  But most importantly: It's really nice and cold.  In case you weren't aware, sweltering heat and humidity that would make a botanical garden exhibit jealous are two things that Southeast Asia is famous for.  So much in fact that when I first moved permanently to the U.S. a bright hot June day, I started shivering in my shorts and t-shirts while standing under a shady Hoosier Maple.  Now I feel like I may just squelch into an organic puddle if I'm in a second-story farmhouse without air-conditioning.   Also, it must be avocado season somewhere  but they&#



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