Lychee Fruit

 S'ra introduced me to lychee fruit the other day. E, lychee, lychee, E. I wasn't quite sure to think of this little fruit, which looks like an unusually firm and slightly pale strawberry. To my astonishment, the strawberryness peels off to reveal something like a peeled grape with a large seed in the middle. The taste was not what I was expecting, either. For those who don't know, lychee tastes like a mild grape crossed with a sweet grapefruit. The texture is also grape-like, and slips smoothly off the seed. They're very juicy and the juice is sticky when it dries.
All in all, I would say that lychee is more fun as a tactile adventure than a fruit. They taste just fine, but are very mild compared to the texture adventure which awaits the lychee eater. Because the juiciness is encased in the rind, they would make a good fruit for a picnic or trail snack, as long as you didn't mind licking the juice off your fingers. 

Lychee was one of my favorite growing up, next to mangoes, rambutan, pineapple, coconut, okay, look, we had a lot of fruit trees in our backyard.  Needless to say, I was both apprehensive and excited to see what E would think.  Also, the Angel W afters were her pick.  She has good taste, obviously.  
