What We're Watching: S’ra (June 9th, 2014)

An occasional series on what's we're watching now.

You are all Surrounded.

We are oh-so-serious about catching bad guys.   

This new comedy hits all the right notes for someone desperately wanting some indulgent summer entertainment where people catch criminals in an comedic manner, learn to be a team, romance awkwardly blooms, and stuff “blows up real good.”  I’ve heard great things about the cast, especially Lee Seung Gi, but it’s the ensemble that makes the show worth watching.  There’s something just realistic enough about the dingy precinct, hapless rookies, and grizzled veterans that makes the comedy and the tear-jerking totally worth it.  And if nothing else, the show deserves an award for the opening credits alone. 


Three Days

The SFX makeup DOES get better. 

I was hooked from the first minute with this intense political-thriller-action drama, even though political thrillers aren’t really my thing.  But Park Yoo Chun was equal parts hilarious, adorable, and riveting as the titular prince in Rooftop Prince, so I was already open to the show.  And the spunky police officer is a great character.   I admit, it did get a little draggy in the middle and then "real life" happened, so I stopped two episodes short of the end.   I need to remedy that. 

 Wonderful Days

(Very Good Days/Wonderful Season)
Not the entire cast, like, not even remotely.

Oh gosh.  I really shouldn’t have started a weekend drama.  WHAT was I thinking?  But Ok Taecyeon (I guess I have to admit he could be filed under “possible bias” with his genuine brainiac, dorky ways) happened, and the AWESOME ensemble cast happened, and even though the “of course the main couple will end up together, geez, I hope so, cause I’m already 26 episodes of 50 in” thing gets a little old, I can’t stop watching.   

so many, many characters. 
I’m a sucker for “everyone could end up happy and with a love interest in the end” stories, even if they’re implausible.  The show, which started out confusing and there’s about a million characters and backstories, and SO many twins (it’s a thing)… let’s just say that I watched episode 26 before the English subs were complete because I couldn’t bear not to hit the next button. 

Ouran High School Host Club

(Anime/Live Action Series)

I can't even... yeah...

I watched a few episodes at one point, because E was just like:"this is candy-coated crack" (or something of that nature) and I thought, I like that sort of thing.  And it SO is. 

And then, possibly influenced by the promise of Nichkhun Horvejkul acting (The 2PM thing, it’s a problem.  They should stop being so hilarious.) in a live-action version of this very addictive, very insane show was too good to pass up. 
He looks pleased with himself. 

 We found part one of the movie which apparently ended the series and now we can’t find the rest.  GAaaaaah!  What happens?  Also this is the event in which E and I realized we MAY have been watching too many things in foreign languages… at least in a short space of time.    

  Accel World

I just liked this poster. 

 I admit it freely.  I totally marathoned SAO (Sword Art Online).  E was patient enough to wait and watch it again with me, on her new shiny tv (soo shiny) and it was 1000% worth it.  Since there’s not any more SAO at this time, as far as I know (I’m obviously not the expert), we moved onto this show.  Which is fascinating and awesome and just as well-done with interesting characters.  I don’t know if the premise is my favorite, but I appreciate the nod to ‘80’s arcade fighting games and the unlikely hero. 

 Doctor Stranger

Being a doctor is scary, being a doctor on the run is apparently dramatically awesome. 

Oh poor tragic Lee Jong Suk, why do I always want to watch you cry silently at your character’s tragic life?  I have no idea if this show is at all realistic (although, it certainly seems a little more so than other “happy” depictions of the North).  So far, it’s pretty gripping and surprisingly squicky and hilarious in measure.  I really only took a hiatus for reallife and provided the pesky wireless cooperates I will be back to marathoning soon. 

 Running Man

Comedic genius courtesy of an excellent ensemble.  Also, BEST CAPTIONING EVER. 

I’m basically always watching Running Man.  It’s my go-to when I’m feeling blah, down, or well like being wildly entertained.  I’m a few episodes behind, and no, I haven’t watched all of them yet.  
P.S. Dramafever has most of the recent ones on their site, and I believe the rest are available via their youtube channel. 


I can't remember if I've seen this episode, or if it's even a real episode, but I'm excited.

It’s pretty much inconceivable that I haven’t finished Inuyasha yet!  I got back into my teaching routine about the time the series hit a plot arc involving much scheming on the part of Jaken, one of Sesshomaru’s lackeys.  Jaken is just so.  Annoying.  I’m sure there are more annoying characters but he’s just – aargh – back to Inuyasha, Kagome, and the gang already!  So, I need to like, do that.  Then E can discuss plot points with me without being all spoiler-y.

* So, what's everyone else watching?  Recommendations?  Rebuttals? 
